Tuesday, 27 November 2007

RSS readers to notify you of new posts on the WCCA blog

How can I know when the Clerk has added a post to the WCCA web-log (= the 'blog'), without having to open up the site every time in a web browser program (eg Internet Explorer)?

As the number and diversity of web-logs has increased, it has become important to be notified when a new 'post' - a new contribution - has been made to a blog. It is rather the same with e-mail programs, which usually have a facility to inform you when a message has arrived by informing you that "you have mail". Once the particular e-mail has been read, the message disappears.

With blogs, this is best done using the RSS system. This service notices when additions or changes have been made to a blog or other internet site and automatically informs a central data base somewhere out there in the electronic ether. A RSS reader (a program one installs on one's own machine) interrogates this database automatically every few minutes, and if a change in the specified site or blog has occurred, places a notice on the individual's' computer screen. Any number of blogs and sites can be interrogated in this way, once they are registered.

The WCCA site is connected to the RSS feed system.

  • So what do I do?

Firstly you can include sites as well as e-mail addresses in you mail program.  This way you will be notified of a new post as if it were a new e-mail.  This works well with Apple Mail for example.

Or down-load a free RSS feeder program, and install it on your particular machine. Here are sites that offer these programs, the first for PC:

and the second and third for Mac OSX:

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