Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Court Lunch - Monday, 21 January, 2008

There are still places left for the Court Lunch at The Athenaeum on Monday 21 January at the very reasonable price of £60.00 per head.

While calling notices have been sent out, the Clerk will be happy to accept booking by email in the first instance backed up by the required cheque.

It is intended that the meal will be finished between 2.30 and 2.45 to allow those who need to return to their gainful employment in reasonable time. The relatively low alcohol content of the Cornish wine on offer will assist concentration later in the afternoon.

Book now to avoid disappointment.

Oh, and a very happy new year from the Clerk

1 comment:

  1. Nice post - very Wooster-ish! Pip-Pip!
